Things That Are Awesome, Vol. 18

(image via Media Bistro)

The semi-weekly roundup of internet awesomeness:

  1. One of my favorite places I’ve ever visited was the Cinque Terre, so you can imagine how sad I was to hear about the devastation in Vernazza (torrential rainfall, flooding, and mudslides) last fall. That’s why this project – artists painting the boarded-up doorways in the damaged areas of town – made me so happy. I truly hope the town rebuilds (and the tourism business returns).
  2. Whenever I’m sad, I’m just going to watch this. So much Ron Swanson love!
  3. All the Shit “X People” Say videos are getting old, but I actually enjoyed this one, since before I came to law school I was a project manager for 3 years. These are all true and made me laugh – I especially loved the phone intros and wrap-ups. So, so true. Although, the video did miss some phrases that I waaaay overused: “circle back,” “follow up,” “go-live critical,” “back to baselines,” and “who’s owning this task?”
  4. Paula Deen’s Health Food Cookbook. Is this funny or really, really sad?
  5. How have I never heard of Regretsy before? So hilarious, especially this post. Dying.
  6. Have you seen my croquet cleats? I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again – Schmidt from New Girl is the absolute best. This douchebag jar montage from last week’s episode is amazing.
  7. In the next few months, I’m sure I’ll keep mentioning how excited I am for the Hunger Games movie (and how that kind of makes me feel like a silly tween). Anyway, point one is: brace yourselves. And point two is: this parody trailer is fun.
  8. 32 Pictures That Will Make You Say Awwwwww. They weren’t kidding – these really will.
  9. This is an oldie but a goodie – James van der Memes. Dawson crying always makes me laugh.
  10. I haven’t seen Shame yet, so I can’t say if Michael Fassbender deserved an Oscar nomination. However, judging on hotness alone, he did. Thus – 50 Reasons the Oscars Don’t Matter Anymore.

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